WW2 Parachute Wing attributed to No. 2 Commando.
Fine rare padded example of white canopy between light blue wings with central fleck embroidered on black felt. Beige Hessian backed.
Adopted late 1944. read more
44th Indian Airborne Division WW2 parachute wing.
A good padded white parachute flanked by light blue wings heavily embroidered on black cloth. Removed from uniform read more
British Army Victorian bandsman’s arm badge.
Good scarce heavily white embroidered crowned crossed trumpets with blue bell ends, harp to centre on scarlet facing cloth. Minor service wear. read more
Early WW2 Airborne Parachute Qualification cloth Wings.
Good scarce example of white canopy flanked by blue wing with central fleck embroidered on khaki BD cloth rectangle. Old surface moth. read more
285.00 GBP
44th Indian Airborne Division WW2 parachute wing.
A good padded white parachute flanked by light blue wings with central fleck heavily embroidered on black cloth. Removed from uniform read more
National Fire Service NFS 34 LONDON Fire Force Area WW2 cloth badge.
A good post 1941 embroidered breast badge. Red on navy felt example. Removed from uniform read more
WW2 period 2nd Glider Pilot wing.
Good scarce lightly padded embroidered example; yellow G within a circle, blue wings; dark blue backing. read more
SAS WW2 Special Air Service cloth parachute/operations qualification wing.
Good scarce late war padded example with black closely woven hessian backing. read more
Polish Red Cross WW2 cloth badge.
Good scarce heavily embroidered example or red and white felt. Slight moth. Removed from uniform read more
Light Machine Gunner in Parachute Regiment Colours.
Good scarce light blue LMG with laurel sprays embroidered on maroon felt.
Not officially sanctioned read more
Crossed Rifles in Parachute Regiment Colours.
Good scarce light blue crossed rifles embroidered on maroon felt.
Not officially sanctioned read more
Glider-Borne Troops, Airborne Forces WW2 cloth arm badge.
Good scarce blue glider embroidered on felt khaki oval. read more
Special Air Service WW2 SAS cloth parachute qualification / operations wing.
Good rare variation of the embroidered wartime padded example ornament with metalic thread canopy and shroud lines. Removed from uniform. read more
SAS WW2 Special Air Service 1944 pattern cloth parachute qualification/Operations wing badge.
Good rare used late war padded example with grey paper backing read more
Early WW2 Airborne Parachute Qualification cloth Wings
Fine scarce example of white canopy flanked by blue wing with central fleck embroidered on khaki cloth semi-circle. Removed from uniform read more
Parachute Regiment, Red Devils 1st pattern jump suit badge
Good rare embroidered example removed from jump suit.
Red Devils formed in 1964 read more
125.00 GBP
Sussex Yeomanry section of sleeve.
Good scarce piece of khaki BD cloth bearing yellow embroidered on blue SUSSEX YEOMANRY tile, printed 30th AA Brigade 1st pattern formation sign, Gun Layer trade bade and Corporal's chevrons. read more
WW1 British Army Overseas Service Chevrons.
Three blue inverted chevrons representing three years overseas service. read more
WW2 Women’s Land Army Official Tie by Tootal Ltd
A good original example green material with WLA embroidery and retaining original tailors label. This example remains in good condition, three small holes near Tip. Please note this is an original example. read more
170.00 GBP