63 items found
Kent Constabulary police post 1953 night helmet plate.

Kent Constabulary police post 1953 night helmet plate.

Good die-stamped blackened crowned star with circlet KENT CONSTABULARY; detachable chromed White Horse of Kent applied to centre. Three loops.  read more

Code: 1025238

25.00 GBP

City of London Police Home Office helmet plate c. 1934.

City of London Police Home Office helmet plate c. 1934.

Good scarce die-stamped blackened crowned star with circlet CITY OF LONDON POLICE; gilt metal City shield applied to centre. Three loops.

Believed authorised 1934 but never adopted.  read more

Code: 1025236


Carmarthenshire Constabulary Victorian Welsh police button.

Carmarthenshire Constabulary Victorian Welsh police button.

Good rare white metal issue by Reynolds & Co London complete with shank  read more

Code: 1025135

55.00 GBP

Stoke-on-Trent City Police pre 1952 helmet plate.

Stoke-on-Trent City Police pre 1952 helmet plate.

Good scarce die-stamped chromed crowned star bearing title circlet; centre mounted with City device. Three loops.  read more

Code: 1025121

60.00 GBP

Dublin Metropolitan Police GvR Irish cap badge circa 1911-22.

Dublin Metropolitan Police GvR Irish cap badge circa 1911-22.

Good rare die-stamped white metal elongated crowned star bearing QUIS SEPARABIT oval; GvR to solid centre. Loops.
Although the Royal Irish Constabulary was replaced by the Garda Siochana in 1922, the Dublin Metropolitan Police, formed in 1836, remained in existence as a separate force called Police of Dublin until 1925 when it became part of the Garda Siochana.  read more

Code: 1025115


Fifeshire Constabulary vintage Scottish police cap badge

Fifeshire Constabulary vintage Scottish police cap badge

Good scarce die-cast chromed Thane of Fife on loops.  read more

Code: 1025087

55.00 GBP

Burgh of Paisley Speciasl Constable vintage Scottish police badge.

Burgh of Paisley Speciasl Constable vintage Scottish police badge.

Good scarce die-cast circlet, blue emal outer ring BURGH OF PAISLEY, SPECIAL CONSTABLE to red enamel centre. Pin crudely replaced, hook AF  read more

Code: 1025086

65.00 GBP

City of Edinburgh Special Constables vintage Scottish police cap badge

City of Edinburgh Special Constables vintage Scottish police cap badge

Good scarce die-cast crowned title circlet; City Arms to centre. Plating worn. Slider.  read more

Code: 1025085

45.00 GBP

WW1 1914 Glasgow Corporation Special Constable Scottish police badge

WW1 1914 Glasgow Corporation Special Constable Scottish police badge

A scarce original First World War period 'Scottish Special Constable police badge'; circular gilt brass title surround '1914 GLASGOW CORPORATION SPECIAL CONSTABLE', the centre bearing an enamel shield, depicting a bird, tree and fish and inscribed 'Let Glasgow Flourish'; the reverse impressed with maker's details 'R.SCOTT GLASGOW'. Good condition, complete with original buttonhole lapel fitting...  read more

Code: 1025084

85.00 GBP

Greenock Burgh Police vintage Scottish cap badge.

Greenock Burgh Police vintage Scottish cap badge.

Good scarce chromed Burgh shield resting in thistle sprays. Loops  read more

Code: 1025083

75.00 GBP

Oxfordshire Special Constabulary WW2 police lapel badge.

Oxfordshire Special Constabulary WW2 police lapel badge.

Good scarce chromed example comprising crowned circlet with OSC cypher on central blue enamel disc. Buttonhole fixing to reverse.  read more

Code: 1025081

45.00 GBP

Scottish Police pre 1952 senior Officer's silver bullion cap badge.

Scottish Police pre 1952 senior Officer's silver bullion cap badge.

Good scarce silver wire embroidered padded example. Thistle on SEMPER VIBLIO scroll within crowned laurel sprays  read more

Code: 1025033

35.00 GBP

Norwich City Special Constabulary Norfolk police numbered cap badge

Norwich City Special Constabulary Norfolk police numbered cap badge

A scarce original early pattern die-stamped white metal crowned ornate shield, the centre displaying two angel supporters, 'Norwich City Coat of Arms' a Castle over a Lion within a shield, surmounted by a civic fur cap, the lower half bearing an issue number 2257. Very good condition, complete with original substantial pin fitting.  read more

Code: 1025010

85.00 GBP

Lanarkshire Special Constabulary WW2 Scottish police lapel badge.

Lanarkshire Special Constabulary WW2 Scottish police lapel badge.

Good scarce chromed example by Hiatt, B’ham comprising crowned light blue enamel title circlet with double headed eagle on central blue enamel disc. Buttonhole fixing to reverse  read more

Code: 1024991


First Police Reserve Manchester WW2 lapel badge.

First Police Reserve Manchester WW2 lapel badge.

Good scarce chromed example by Fattorini & Sons Ltd. Regent St., Birmingham. Red crowned blue enamel title circlet with enamelled City Arms to centre. Numbered b25uttonhole fitting to reverse,  read more

Code: 1024989


WW1 Metropolitan Special Constabulary Chief Inspector police lapel badge.

WW1 Metropolitan Special Constabulary Chief Inspector police lapel badge.

Good rare die-cast bronze crowned METROPOLITAN SPECIAL CONSTABULARY circlet with Royal Arms to centre. The crown ornamented in blue vitreous enamel.
Lapel fitting impressed with W.O. LEWIS, HOWARD ST. BIRMm  read more

Code: 1024988


Solomon Islands post 1953 police cap badge by Gaunt, London..

Solomon Islands post 1953 police cap badge by Gaunt, London..

Good scarce die-stamped crowned laurel sprays; SIP cypher to centre. Slider  read more

Code: 1024977


Wolverhampton Borough Police Special Constabulary cap badge.

Wolverhampton Borough Police Special Constabulary cap badge.

Good scarce pre 1952 chrome issue on slider.  read more

Code: 1024959

25.00 GBP

Uganda. Lango Prison cap badge by Firmin, London.

Uganda. Lango Prison cap badge by Firmin, London.

Good scarce pyramid shape bearing oval with rhinoceros over title scroll. Slider  read more

Code: 1024813

20.00 GBP

Dorset Constabulary pre 1953 police cap badge.

Dorset Constabulary pre 1953 police cap badge.

Good chromed King's Crown issue on slider.  read more

Code: 1024811

20.00 GBP