Parachute Regiment WW2 beret badge.
Good die-stamped white metal crowned winged parachute canopy surmounted by the Royal Crest. Non-voided crown. Bent loops. Service wear. read more
85.00 GBP
PARACHUTE REGIMENT WW2 printed shoulder title.
Good scarce black on light blue Ordnance issue made by Calico Printers circa 1943-45. Slight service wear, removed from Battledress. read more
30th Division WW1 felt cloth formation sign.
Good scarce white crest of Lord Derby embroidered on black felt disc. Minor moth hole
New Army division of units (Pals) raised privately or funded by public subscription. Taken over by War Office August 1915, arrived in France December 1915 and remained throughout the war.Good scarce white crest of Lord Derby embroidered on black felt disc.
New Army division of un... read more
185.00 GBP
North Stafford Regiment VB collar badge c. 1883-1901.
Good scarce die-stamped white metal issue. Stafford Knot superimposed with Prince of Wales plumes, coronet and motto. Toned loops read more
25.00 GBP
Glasgow Highlanders, HLI WW2 gengarry badge.
Good scarce die-stamped chromed example on loops read more
45.00 GBP
Chindits (3rd Indian Division) WW2 Special Forces cloth embroidered formation sign.
Good scarce example. Yellow Burmese Dragon (Chinthern) on blue felt disc. A little faded
Special Force commanded by Major-General Orde Wingate DSO who tragically died in an air crash 24th March 1944. read more
180.00 GBP
Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry (DCLI) cap badge
A good die-stamped WW1/WW2 die-stamped white metal issue on slider. Ducal crowned strung bugle bearing CORNWALL scroll. read more
RAF Early WW2 Observer's Aircrew Brevet Badge.
Good padded example removed from uniform, with minor old moth and service wear read more
55.00 GBP
Calcutta Light Horse AFI Indian Army cap badge.
Good scarce cast silvered eight pointed star mounted with gilt metal crowned “CLH” cypher resting scroll “Defence not Defiance”. Loops
In March 1943, members of the Calcutta Light Horse set sale in a barge “Phoebe” on a daring mission to Goa where they sank the German ship “Ehrenfels”. In 1980 this remarkable mission was made into a film “The Sea Wolves. The Last Charge of the Ca... read more
125.00 GBP
No.4 COMMANDO WW2 shoulder title.
Good scarce red silk sans-serif letters embroidered on navy felt.
Formed 23.06.1940. First operation was the successful raid on the Lofoten Islands on 4th March 1941. read more
Parachute Regiment Officer's red beret badge.
Good scarce EIIR silvered light weight example on loops. read more
75.00 GBP
5th, 7th, 8th & 9th Bns. Durham Light Infantry OSD DLI cap badge circa 1908-52.
Good scarce die-cast dark bronze crowned strung bugle, DLI to voided centre, SOUTH AFRICA 1900-02 scroll below, Turned back blades.
HQ's at Stockton on Tees, Sunderland, Durham and Gateshead respectively read more
85.00 GBP
Officer's Army Flying badge or wing.
Good early EIIR padded example of silk and bullion threads with velvet cushion to crown. read more
65.00 GBP
ROYAL NAVAL DIVISION WW1 cap ribbon / tally.
Good black silk with gold wire embroidery. Approx. 33 inches. Service wear. Slightly shortened for wear 73 cm
Firstly on navy blue sailor’s hat, then on the khaki sailor's hat and for a short time on khaki peaked cap until cap badges were issued in France during May 1916. read more
140.00 GBP
103rd Maharatta Light Infantry WW1 Indian Army shoulder title.
Good scarce die-cast brass example on toned loops c. 1903-22. read more
45.00 GBP
22nd Punjabis Indian Army Officer’s field service cap badge c. 1903-22.
Good scarce cast native silver stamped “Silver”. Crowned XXII on “Punjabis” scroll by A.H. & Co. Loops read more
6 / MI (6th Mounted Infantry) Boer War slouch hat badge
Good scarce cast brass issue on loops.
Comprised units of Essex, Wiltshire and Welsh Regiments. read more
Irish. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers cap badge circa 1926-34.
Good scarce die-cast white metal INNISKILLING scroll over Castle of Enniskillen. Some service wear. Slider read more
45.00 GBP
ANTI-TANK REGT. WW2 Royal Artillery shoulder title.
Good rare red silk letters embroidered on navy blue felt. Removed from album. Service wear and maybe slightly reduced read more
350.00 GBP